Ny intervju med Kristen för Star Magazine (Frankrike)

Hello Kristen, you're different to others hollywood's actress you can see on the red carpet, what do you thing about that?

I don't know what you mean by "different", Maybe because i'm not confortable in heigh hills and dress in front of thousand of people screaming your name.
I don't really love crowded paces. It can be become quickly scaring and overwhelming, so i'm not the most glamorous person in those situation. It's hard to give agenuine smile when you're petrified, overwhemed by the crowd. It's that's the difference you're talking about?

yes but also the fact that you're a natural woman

I'm not the only one to be natural. It's just that i'm put in the front side because of twiligh,So people bend over my case. I'm going to take this as a compliment. I just try to be honnest.My success, i live it as something to proud of, something that makes me happy. I'm thankfull for the public's recognisation. So i'm at peace. It's also that i'm confourtable whith who i'm, what i say, what how i feel.I don't pretend to be prefect,I don't want people to think that i'm.I want people to see me as i'm.
Do you have the feeling that you're getting used to dressing up and read carpet events.You seem more and more feminine more has the ease in your dresses

I'm not going to lie and say you get used to it after a while.We tarvel all over the world.Iwas barely 18 when first twilight hit theater, now i'm 20. I assume my feminity more than i used to. Now i know what creator, what dress i need.I'm more at ease with my dressses choice now.It's now more than weird piece of fabric in which i feel like a drag queen or an Alien. I'm starting to have fun with it ( laugh)

with rob you won a MTV award for best kiss, would have you love it if it was with Dakota instead?

Oh yes. I would have been really proud to win it with Dakota.I think i would have done the same thing the "almost kiss" and go " and what else?" It would have been funny.

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