Teen Hollywood intervju


Här kommer ett utdrag från en intervju med Kristen och Eddie Redmayne (Kristens co-star i The Yellow Handkerchief).

Q: This was probably your first big lead role in a film. Was that an adjustment to play the lead at that time?
Anytime you have to play a person who is not yourself, you’re stepping out of a comfort zone but that’s what we do and if the role is bigger that’s just more to chew on and that’s always good.
Eddie: There is more of a sense of responsibility. What was great about this film is that it’s an ensemble piece in the sense that it really is about the four of us, I’m certain Kristen and I felt in incredibly safe hands having William (Hurt) and Maria (Bello) around us and because of the intensity of the film, having three of us in a car for three months shooting, we ended up being close as a trio which is wonderful because any fears or problems you have, you have the other two to turn to.

Läs hela intervjun här.

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