Twenty Incredibly Serious Minutes With Kristen Stewart

Twenty Incredibly Serious Minutes With Kristen Stewart 

Foulmouthed and feral, the kohl-eyed stripper-prostitute portrayed by Kristen Stewart in Welcome to the Rileys is a battery of neurotic tics: she nibbles her fingers, scratches her undefined lips, and shakes one foot mechanically. There are bruises on her calves from pole-dancing. Her hair is unkempt, her skin waxy. In her willful self-neglect, she is pitiful.

This 17-year-old apparition could, in a different life, be Bella Swan's sister -- the promiscuous one who acted out and vanished, leaving Bella uncertain, unsmiling, and ill-equipped to deal with rejection. There's no such sister, of course, in the Twilight movies to rationalize Bella's depressiveness, alienation and her attraction to the undead and the vulpine -- though part of it stems from her parents' split. But Stewart makes Mallory, the girl in Rileys, so defensive and evasive, so willing to offer a lap-dance or oral sex in lieu of explanations, that we know she has a history fraught with traumas, desertions, and betrayals.

"We find her on the cusp of giving up, of becoming one of those girls that you see in those clubs who are dead inside," said Stewart, 20, in a recent interview. "They really have nothing behind their eyes when they look at you, you're not equals anymore because they've lost something -- they don't feel wholly about themselves. She's been abused and made to think that she's a lesser person, and she truly hates herself. She doesn't have the capacity to trust other people, or feel worthy of love. But hopefully in this movie, if it's the movie that I wanted to do, I think you can see that she's starting to envy people that are more whole, that like themselves. I'm not saying that she makes a full recovery, but what happens to her in the story does spark a question."

Läs hela intervjun här.


Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 13:41:51
Datum: 2010-10-28
Är det någon som vet om kristen kommer vara på welcome to the riley premiären imorgon. ?
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