Citat från Kristen om sina filmroller

Kristen Stewart on her movie role in Zathura:

"[This] was my first comedy, so I had a lot of anticipation and apprehension as to how I was going to react to situations that are over the top and hokey and hysterical. I was too embarrassed to explore the scenes and be free with them. [Director Jon Favreau] helped me to push past my inhibitions because he was very in tune to how his actors were feeling."

"Comedy is kind of a serious business, you know. It's all about timing. But it's not that big of a deal. [I have to] go with it."

Kristen Stewart on horror movies and ghosts:

"[Asian films are] not as heavy-handed as American films. They tend to take their time a little bit and let you think for yourself before they hammer you in the face and smash people's brains in and drag them off into the woods...I think they're smarter. I mean, not to generalize about stuff like that but...I like their slow deliberateness." 

"I like when all of a sudden you're watching a movie and it slows down and you're like, 'Oh...something's definitely going to happen' and you know it, but even when it does, it still scares you just as much."

"Ever since I've been a kid, I've been absolutely, totally scared of ghosts. Like whenever I would run around my house terrified when I was five years old, it was always because of ghosts. But I definitely haven't been inclined to sit down and type 'ghost' into Google."

"Halfway through [shooting the film The Messengers], I had a really trippy experience in my hotel room. It was an old hotel. One night, it was insane, I opened my eyes and this image of this woman just filled my entire view...I let out the most gut-wrenching scream. People called the hotel room to see if I was okay."
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"I am catatonically terrified...most of the time."

[On shooting The Messengers]: "I thought doing this would be a nice break. I could just go and do this little horror movie...but it was one of the hardest jobs I've ever taken on! It was just physically strenuous having the same expression in so many frames. [There's] scary face one, scary face two...For two weeks straight I was just screaming and acting terrified."

Läs resten här.

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Bilden är redigerad av Jossan. Vid använding/kopiering länka till Kristen S.

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