Intervju med Telegraph

It's tough being Kristen Stewart. Her performance as the indecisive, lip-biting heroine, Bella Swan, in the Twilight films has seen the 20-year-old American actress emerge as a rather reluctant poster-girl for 21st-century teenage angst.
She has lived out much of her teens under the media spotlight: she had just turned 17 when she made the first Twilight film and, on its release, became an overnight sensation.
The franchise has gone on to make more than $1.75 billion (£1.1 billion) at the box office worldwide, attracting hordes of teenage fans and their equally smitten 'Twilight moms'.

Meanwhile, Stewart's on-screen (and off-screen) relationship with her co-star Robert Pattinson has turned her into a regular on the covers of gossip magazines.

It's not surprising that she has struggled to cope with the media attention, and her discomfort when dealing with interviewers has opened her up to accusations of being surly and defensive. I have not found her so on the previous occasions we have spoken.
She can be unnervingly silent – she thinks carefully about each question and often has many stabs at a reply before settling on a finished sentence – but she is intelligent and engaging. In truth, like many women her age, she's probably just a little bit embarrassed.
'I am quite shy and people think I'm aloof,' she explains, sitting opposite me in a suite at a sumptuous Beverly Hills hotel.
'I get that all the time: "She should not be in this position because she can't handle it," and, "She is stuck up and doesn't want to talk to anybody. She is miserable, and if you are so miserable stop doing it."
But do you have a choice? I want to be an actor, I am just not very comfortable talking about myself.

Läs resten här.

Skrivet av: Jossan
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