En ny intrevju från TV MOVIE- Tyskland

Finally! The wedding bells are ringing for Hollywood's dream couple. For now, though, only in cinemas: In the first part of the "Twilight" showdown (part 2 starts in 2012) Kristen as a beautiful mortal, and Rob as a sexy vampire pledge their troth either to other. And: For the first time there are some really hot bed scenes! We met the young stars for an interview at San Diego's ComicCon.

TV Movie: Be honest: Was the film sex difficult for you?
Rob: Oh yes! I felt really uncomfortable.

TV Movie: Too many people on set?
: No, a fear had rather something to do with Taylor and his fantastic body. Jacob, as a werwolf, has bared all already in the last two films. And to be honest, I can't keep up with him.

TV Movie: The fans will be pleased with the new passion nevertheless...
: After for year it's about time! (laughs)
Rob: They're very emotional scenes. For the first time I felt like a human, not like a vampire.

TV Movie: What do you think of Bella's wedding dress?
: I love it! It's old fashioned, though, but that's exactly what I like.

TV Movie: Would you wear such a dress on your own wedding?
: No, no. But it fits for Bella, and that's most important.

TV Movie: Do you believe in marriage?
Kristen: I like the thought of two people staying together for the rest of their lives. For me, however, this doesn't need to be sealed with signatures.

TV Movie: How would you describe the first part of "Breaking Dawn"?
: Mature is the right word. This time it's not about fighting, but the fact that we start a family.

TV Movie: The film is also very dark...
Kristen: That's right. Bella keeps saying that she would die for a life with Edward. In the movie she shows how seriously she takes it.

TV Movie: Is Edward the great hero like everyone thinks?

Rob: For me he's never been the great hero. Edward isn't interested in the rest of the world at all. Just at the end.

TV Movie: With the birth of his vampire daughter...
: Exactly. The moment when the baby comes into world, he no longer thinks only of himself.

TV Movie: Part 2 is filmed already, the Twilight saga is over. What does it feel like?
Rob: I'm a bit paranoid and think after every film "That was my last one..."

TV Movie: What will you miss the most?

: I've been living in a different world for 4 years and I really liked it there (laughs). I'll miss everything.
Rob: Same for me. Especially the last day was a shock. I've never wanted to think about the end, and then it was suddenly there. Now we have to live with it.


Skrivet av: Hanna
Tid: 01:15:19
Datum: 2011-08-20
Är det bara för mig det inte går att klicka upp den första "minibilden"? Skulle gärna vilja se den :)
Tid: 01:18:24
Datum: 2011-08-20
Fast nu kom jag i och för sig på att jag kunde trycka på "bildkälla" ;)
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