Fandago's 2012 hot list

Fandago frågade sina läsare bland annat vilka filmer de ser mest fram emot under 2012, och både Breaking Dawn - Part 2 och Snow White and the Huntsman knep en plats på flera av topplaceringarna.

The 2012 hot list

2011's cooling down, but 2012's only starting to heat up. In time for the holidays comes our Hot List for the new year, with over 1000 Fandango users surveyed for what's most likely to fire them up over the next 12 months. Here are the results, divvied up by guy and gal voters.

Top 5 anticipated 2012 blockbusters for the girls
5. The Avengers
4. Dark Shadows
3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
2. The Hunger Games
1. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 - We know this one's a surprise winner...or not.

Most anticipated franchise sequel in 2012 for the girls
5. Men in Black 3
4. The Bourne Legacy
3. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
1. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 - Chances are, your mother, your sister, your daughter, your wife (or girlfriend), and their girlfriends already know how to score advance tix to the last Twilight movie ever.

Most anticipated 2012 re-imagining or re-make for the guys
5. Mirror, Mirror
4. Snow White and the Huntsman
3. The Great Gatsby
2. The Amazing Spider-Man
1. Total Recall - Nothing screams "manly man a la Ah-nuld" quite like Colin Farrell, right? Well, regardless, the dudes will be looking out for this one.

Most anticipated 2012 re-imagining or re-make for the girls
5. The Amazing Spider-Man
4. Total Recall
3. Mirror, Mirror
2. The Great Gatsby
1. Snow White and the Huntstman - We're not sure whether it's K-Stew's attire or Thor-turned-hunstman Chris Hemsworth, but this re-imagining is definitely on the ladies radar. Hot? Smokin'!


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