Sam Claflin: "She is THE movie star pretty much"

Sam Claflin spelas prinsen i Snow White and the Huntsman som kommer att spelas in nu i augusti. Nu har han ännu en gång pratat om Kristen och hur mycket han beundrar henne i de filmer han sett henne. Läs mer under bilden.

You have "Snow White and the Huntsman", (opposite Kristen Stewart) how did that come about?
Sam: Well, I auditioned for it a while ago, but it just became sort of official like not yesterday, but the day before. I found out a while ago but the offer was there and I'm, you know, very excited about getting sort of my teeth stuck into something new as well.

When you audition for these big parts, are there kind of a group of guys that you know are also going to end up reading for it?
Sam: I've never bumped into another guy. But Max Irons is a guy I keep sort of seeing around and as much as I love him, I hate him because he usually beats me to it, but I know he's an incredible actor and I'm honored to know that I'm even being considered next to him, you know, and it's, I'm very lucky to sort of be in these rooms with these amazing actors, you know. I'm very, very blessed.

What about actresses that you've screen tested with?
Sam: I've screen tested with Amanda Seyfried during "Red Riding Hood". And Astrid, and I think, that's it, really.

You didn't with Kristen for "Snow White"?
Sam: No. No. I didn’t. Unfortunately not.

Sam: No.

Have you met her?
Sam: No. I'm excited to because I'm a big fan of hers.

(I'm genuinely shocked. Can you tell?) That's crazy that they cast and you guys haven't even met each other.
Sam: It's a bit crazy.

It says good things that they think highly enough of you to hire you without basically doing a chemistry test.
Sam: Yeah, I trust the director's judgment. I mean, he seems like a genius to me, so I think he knows what he's doing. I hope he knows what he's doing. But I've heard such amazing thing about Kristen. I have a feeling that there's no way that we wouldn't get on, you know, I'd like to think like that anyway. But she's apparently rumored to be actually amazing. I have a few friends who know her personally and one friend who did "The Yellow Handkerchief" with her, so not a bad word said, so.

I used to work with her dad.
Sam: Seriously?

Yeah, so I saw her a bit when she was little, around 12 or so, yeah. And she went from being a child actor and kid's movies (like "Catch That Kid") to where she is now.
Sam: She is THE movie star pretty much of the minute and she's incredible as well. I mean, I just recently watched "The Runaways" and also I love her in "Into The Wild" as well as, you know, obviously, "The Twilight Saga" but I'm very, very excited.

Are you going to be an English prince or an American prince? Do you know?
Sam: I have no idea, actually. I auditioned with an English accent.

Läs hela intervjun här.

Är du orolig över att de inte har träffats än, och att man därmed inte vet om de har någon kemi alls? Och vill du att han ska ha en brittisk accent eller en amerikansk?


Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 07:53:39
Datum: 2011-05-23
Jag är faktiskt inte så orolig för det. Jag tror att de kan lära känna varandra snabbt! :)

Och jag vet inte, men jag kanske hoppas på att han ska ha en amerikansk accent, men det spelar inte så stor roll ;) <3
Tid: 16:38:39
Datum: 2011-05-23
Jag gillade honom i Pirates of the Caribbean 4 :D
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