Bill Condon pratar Bella, Edward och att skapa "Breaking Dawn"

Bill: So what did you all think? Any thoughts?
Brazilian Blogger: I can't find the words to explain seeing them where I am from, in my favorite movie. Seeing Kristen out in Rio - to see Kristen there was like...

Bill: Yeah, it was great to go down there -
Q: I'm trying to recover.

Bill: It was so fun. That’s how we started the movie, too. We spent our first couple weeks there, you know. And it was so great to actually feel, you know - it was actually our biggest experience of fans, kind of being on the set or tracking Rob and Kristen. It actually calmed down after that, but you really felt the excitement when you were there, you know?


Q: How much of the fandom did you know about before you jumped into this?
Bill: We'd gotten big lectures from all the people at Summit about what it was going to be like. And I actually have to say, in Baton Rouge we were in the studio the whole time, so it was actually really under control, you know. It was actually only being on the streets in Brazil that we saw it.


Q: Which part of Breaking Dawn do you think is going to be the most exciting for the fans? Part 1 or Part 2?
Bill: You know what's interesting about them? All the three - one of the reasons getting involved I was excited is that all three movies are so different. One thing, they each have the director's style of whoever did it, and these two movies are incredibly different one from the other. They're like - this is a very - I always think of this movie as being kind of the bookend to the first Twilight. It's very much Bella's, you know, kind of private journey from where she starts to being - to becoming a vampire, getting what she wants, you know. But there isn't that kind of external threat in this movie, you know? The Volturi are always out there but they're not really breathing down their necks. It's really Bella making her way to what she wants to be and staying alive. The second movie is epic. The second movie is - you know the whole world kind of converging in this one place to deal with these big major issues about what it means to be a vampire.

Q: You had some parts where - about the sex scenes. Did you have some concerns? Because it's going to be PG-13.
Bill: Yes.

Q: Did you have some concerns to do the sex things?
Bill: Yeah, I guess. Yeah. Well I think - yeah I think obviously we weren't doing anything explicit but I think it's also important to really - they're married now - to really express this great connection that they have and to put it into physical terms, you know. So...

Läs hela intervjun här.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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