Fancy Magazine intervjuar Kristen om "Breaking Dawn"

Bye bye Twilight
Sad news for all Twi-Hards. With Breaking Dawn coming closer, the Twilight Saga is really approaching the final end. One relief: Fancy got the chance to fly to LA for an parting interview with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. "When we were filming the final scenes, we all started crying."

"The curse pot was filled because of me"

Everybody is looking forward to the wedding! Are you admissible to tell something about that?
- Actually not, except that it was an silly scene to shoot. It looked like I was working for Secret Service, everything needed to stay so secretly. Before that scene, everybody had to hand over their cameraphones. There even was a helicopter from a news channel above the set that wanted to spot my wedding dress. Happily we were able to hide it under a Volturi-cape that was hanging on my shoulders all the time.

In the movie you're pregnant. How weird was it to play that?
- Very weird, especially because my baby is half human and half vampire. Do you know what's funny? One of my best friends had to give birth at the moment I was playing this scene. Talking about timing! She could tell me exactly what happened and how it felt. I tried to incorporate all her experiences in my role. That I couldn't carry the kid who played my baby was kind of a come-down. So heavy was the little one.

And did you blunder on the Breaking Dawn set?
- Of course! We all did. Nothing is more funny than that! But sometimes it was less funny. If a scene failed because of a fault of mine, I could become extremely angry about that. Then I cursed a lot. On the set was a curse pot, with every sh*t and f*ck you had to pay a dollar. The curse pot was filled with my money.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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