Sam Claflin: "I truly believe and trust in her"

Kristen Stewart will be a "diamond" Snow White, says co-star Sam Claflin

"I've only done one tiny scene with Kristen so far, but I have every hope in her," Claflin said. "I truly believe and trust in her and I'm pretty sure she'll do an absolutely diamond job of it. I'm pretty sure she's excited about the challenge."

Clafin insisted that he isn't concerned about the other Snow White movie, adding that two similar stories can exist side-by-side.

He explained: "They're two completely different projects altogether. As much as they've obviously got the same premise, you could say that about so many things. The Hangover and The Inbetweeners, for example, are different films but basically about boys going out and getting drunk.

"The beautiful thing is I think both directors have very different ideas of where they're going with it. I have a friend who's in the other one so it's nice that we keep each other updated. I'm excited to see that one as much as I'm excited to see the one I'm in."

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Skrivet av: Jossan
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