Lucka fem

I lucka nummer fem hittar ni...
Skådespelare, artister och regissörer som säger snälla saker om Kristen.

She's a great person, and I'm not surprised she's gone on to to do great things. But I am surprised she is an actress. I didn't think that's where she was headed. And even though her mom said, 'No, she really, really wants to be an actress,' I felt like, Nah, she won't because she really doesn't have the stereotypical personality."
- Jodie Foster [Skådespelerska, Panic Room]

She really is insanely special.
- Greg Mottola [Regissör, Adventureland]

She was incredibly gracious and lovely.
- Amy Adams [Skådespelerska, On the Road]

But I love, I'm impressed by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson pulling it off in that whole story.
- Sofia Coppola [Regissör]

I always thought she was really wonderful and has this sort of consistent little flighty thing she does. She had some moments in [Eclipse] where I thought she delivered such a... she'd hold the gaze. It was like, this is why she's a movie star. This is why she's brilliant, because I cannot stop looking at her.
- Matt Morris [Artist]

Kristen I've admired for years. She's one of the best actresses I've ever worked with.
- Michael Welch [Skådespelare, The Twilight Saga]

I love her, she is totally sweet.
- Christina Ricci [Skådespelerska]

The first time I heard a tape of Kristen singing 'I Love Playing With Fire,' I thought it was me. I sent it back and said, 'You've got to send me a new mix with Kristen higher up, because I just hear me.' And someone finally said, 'Joan, that is Kristen.' She had nailed all of my inflections to such a degree that I couldn’t tell.
- Joan Jett [Artist]

I adore Kristen Stewart. She’s a wonderful young actress and we had a huge amount of fun on it.
- Eddie Redmayne [Skådespelare, The Yellow Handkerchief]

Kristen's the best actress of our generation. And that's why I wanted to do [Twilight]. And... I don't know why she is, she's just better than everybody else.
- Robert Pattinson [Skådespelare, The Twilight Saga]

I was really suprised when I started working with Kristen Stewart in [Adventureland] because when they told me they'd cast a girl that's 17 years old - she was 17 at the time - to play this part which was about... the character was suppose to be like 21 years old. And also this kind of wise-beyond-her-years girl. So I was so suprised I hadn't seen her, I think, in a movie at that point. So when I heard she was 17 I was so shocked. And then when we started filming it was like the most revelatory experience. I couldn't believe that she has such an unique maturity and a unique sense of humor and similism. That's unique for anybody regardless of their age. She couldn't have been more wonderful and it really gives the movie this nice, dark, realistic quality that I think that otherwise we wouldn't have had.
- Jesse Eisenberg [Skådespelare, Adventureland]

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Källor: Jodie FosterGreg Mottola, Amy Adams, Sofia Coppola, Matt Morris, Michael WelchChristina Ricci, Joan JettEddie Redmayne, Robert Pattinson, Jesse Eisenberg

Skrivet av: Jossan
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