14 Celeb Cat Ladies

When we think of cat ladies, we think of doughy middle aged women with a poof of graying hair. In short, we think of Susan Boyle. The self-professed cat lady has defied cat lady stereotypes and risen from the ranks of batty kitty cuddler to successful singer, releasing her second album, "The Gift," yesterday. And she's not alone. Our research shows that there are cat ladies (and cat dudes) hidden throughout the ranks of functioning society. Some, like Susan Boyle, fit the physical stereotype. Others, like Katy Perry and Kristen Stewart, do not.

It makes sense that some of Hollywood's most successful people are closet cat ladies, what with the ability of cats to act as caretakers, improve their owners' health and teach everyone how to be kinder, gentler souls. Also, some can play the keyboard really well. So what famous people are hiding in the cat closet, stroking their tabbies? Read on for a list of 14 celebrities who have managed to defy the myth that cat ladies are nothing but kooky old kooks.

3. Kristen Stewart
Kristen is a big animal lover and even predicted that that she'll become a crazy cat lady one day. Talking about her 6-year-old cat Max, she said, "We have a really strong, really weird codependent, almost Bella/Edward relationship. I'm going to be a crazy cat lady one day, I'm sure."
No. of cats: 1.
Other pet we can picture her owning: A werewolf.


Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 22:30:00
Datum: 2010-11-10
Breakingfree.se - Zac E, Vanessa H, Ashl
Vilken gullig katt hon har :)
Tid: 11:19:21
Datum: 2010-11-11
No. of cats: 1. Hon har väl två katter, har hon inte?

Other pet we can picture her owning: A werewolf. Hon har ju typ en varg...

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