Fan encounter från BD-inspelningen i Lapa

Hi guys! I (Louise) could be one of the extras in Breaking Dawn and I will tell you everything that happened. Just can not tell details of the scene that was recorded because I signed an exclusive contract, but you must already have been learned by many videos that are rolling around. Check it out:

Was in the cave since noon, because I do ENEM. One of the streets that were closed for shooting the movie was the street where I did the test, coincidence?

I spent some time on the street and saw them begin to put some barricades lots to see who would not give even a hair of Rob and I was kind of sad, wanting to go home. But I found a friend who was scheduled to be an extra on the same day and that morning had recorded Fast and the Furious 5. I asked for help for her, I said I'd talk to a person who was organizing the agency's list of extras. That person said if he had someone missing, he'd put me on the list, and that's what happened.

Around 8 pm I went on set and the bars were offering free drinks and food pros extras. My friend advised me to eat because we would probably be more like 10 hours there without being able to go out or eat anything. After centuries of waiting, they arrived around midnight and stayed on another street makes up and talking while rehearsing with stand-ins and extras. I went to see a little corner of what they were doing, and I saw Rob sitting on the hood of the car as a child laughing and talking with Kristen. I died inside, but I had to control myself to not give the flag. It was forbidden to photograph or videotape footage or anything of the set.

Fortsätt att läsa här.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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