Kändisar väljer: Ska Kristen vinna "Best Kiss" med Taylor eller Rob?

Celebs pick MTV Movie Awards' best kiss

Kristen Stewart got to lock lips with both Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson in "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse", and it seems like all the - cough, cough - hard work paid off: Both smooches are up for "Best Kiss" at Sunday's 2011 MTV Movie Awards.

We went straight to Stewart's fellow celebs to ask: Which lip-lock should come out on top?

"Vampire Diaries" star Kat Graham knows a thing or two about hot supernatural guys, and she has a very strong opinion about which kiss rules in "Eclipse": "I love Taylor Lautner," she gushed. "He could be making out with a hamburger, and I would be like, 'Best kiss ever!'"

Olympian Johnny Weir also seems to be a member of Team Jacob. "Taylor Lautner in that movie was, you know, rocking the sex," he exclaimed, most likely referencing Lautner's ever-present abs in the franchise.

"X-Men: First Class" actress Rose Byrne is leaning toward Team Edward when it comes to the kisses, even calling out Pattinson's fan-favorite nickname: "I think it will be RPattz."

Elle Fanning, whose sister Dakota stars in the "Twilight" flicks, concurred with Byrne, reasoning that Stewart's Bella is "marrying Edward, so you sort of have to pick Edward."

"X-Men" hottie Michael Fassbender might not know Edward from Jacob, but he did pick one of the actors over the other. "I'm just going to go with Robert," he said.

Hilary Duff kept it right in the middle with her choice. "You're really going for all the tough questions, aren't you?" she teased. "In the first movie, it was better with Edward, and I think [then] it was better with Jacob," she said. "Was that politically correct?"


Skrivet av: Jossan
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