Tweets från Chris Weitz

Chris Weitz, regissören till New Moon, har twittrat en hel del om Kristen som vi inte har skrivit här på KristenS. Så nu har jag försökt ta igen en del del. Har tyvärr inte lyckats få med allt eftersom det går så långt bak i hans "twitterarkiv" och min dator kan inte riktigt hantera det. Men det här är en stor del i alla fall!

Jag har redigerat en del tweets lite för att göra dem lättare att förstå (tex. cuz = because).

De nyaste frågorna och svaren kommer först. Så vill du läsa allt i ordning får du starta nedifrån. Ledsen om jag missat något eller det hamnat i fel ordning. Men man förstår i alla fall eftersom frågorna inte riktigt hänger ihop ändå.

@thumannlegend: In New Moon, what did you do to get the mood right for the heartbroken Bella sitting comatose in her room. Scene was EPIC. Kristen ruled!
@chrisweitz: The final thing is interesting. I don't know how other people do it, but I just trust to the professionalism of my rew and cast. We're a little less jokey and more quiet beforehand. However this shot was very technical and demanded a lot of concentration from Kristen.

@wendy_15: What you most like about Kristen as an actress?
@chrisweitz: She has amazing intuition about what seems and feels natural.

@wcharlyyy: In the Bella underwater scene, were the microorganisms floating around real or CG?
@chrisweitz: Sea monkeys. No, CG. Because, you know, I'm about the details and stuff.

@papaya57: Could you adress why Robert and Kristen won't come out of the closet?
@chrisweitz: Are they gay?

@shan93: Team Edward, Team Jacob or Team Bella... Which team are you?
@chrisweitz: Team Bella. And team Gran.

@ekizer14: Were you worrid at all jumping straight into an established phenomenon like Twilight?
@chrisweitz: No... This question came up a lot in press stuff. All a director wants is a guaranteed audience.

@aciepey: Of the up and coming actors and actresses, who should we keep our eyes on?
@chrisweitz: Kristen Stewart, Elle Fanning, Paul Dano, Jose Julian from ABL.

@zoemarchment: Are Rob and Kristen actually together in real life or are you not allowed to say because it will damage the films profits?
@chrisweitz: There's no financial conspiracy, I just think what Rob and Kristen each do with theit private lives is their own business.

@CarolFPimentel: Tell me what animals Taylor, Kristen and Robert remind you of.
@chrisweitz: Generically speaking, chimpanzees more than anything else.

@koulle: I just wanna ask, why there isn't a vision of Edward in the scenes of Bella and Jake sitting in the car - the worst moment in the book!
@chrisweitz: Because it just made Edward seem like a stalker. Like "it's ok, kiss her, don't mind me, I'm just here being awesome".

@ArielLautner: Why did you choose Montepultiano as Volterra?
@chrisweitz: The main square has a symmetrical and lengthy run to the clock tower.

@caitlin71Ann: Let's play screw, marry kill... Chatherine Hardwicke, Kstew and Robert Pattinson! Who would you screw, marry or kill? And go!
@chrisweitz: Let's not. Let's not fantasize about killing someone.

@Kstew_Boomm: Have you ever tasted Kristen's pie... And if you have, how was it?
@chrisweitz: I'm going to leave this one alone.

@HeatherWareham: In the New Moon scene where Jacob almost kissed Bella in the kitchen he speaks in another language. Is it Quiluete and what did he say?
@chrisweitz: "Kwop Kilawtley", which is "I love you" in Quileute.

@athenia_22: Kristen once said she cried really hard in her car right before filming the breakup scene. Did you know and how did you react?
@chrisweitz: Yup, I did know that. It wa a tough night's filming.

@DisneyTwiHechos: Which souple do you prefer? Rob and Kris or Tay and Kris? Please, jokes not!
@chrisweitz: No joke? It's none of my business!

@Mary_Alice_93: Do you like Ashley and Kristen? Which of the girls more?
@chrisweitz: Ok, Mary Alice. Honestly, being a girl, do you think it would be wise of me to answer that question?

@CamiFaith: Which scene took longer/was harder, underwater scene with Bella and Edward, or Edward/Volturi fight scene?
@chrisweitz: Underwater Bella was tough. Fot the fight scene I had loads of second unit help.

@MsSalvatore: What was your favorote part of getting to hang out with the Twilight cast?
@chrisweitz: When they remembered my name.

@Francesca_LG: My fav scene from the book is the conversation between Edward and Bella before the vote scene, why isn't it in the movie?
@chrisweitz: Because I wanted to make people angry. No, because it is a lot of TALK TALK which is not always good for movie pacing.

@PCGhaha: When Bella first starts "seeing" Edward in New Moon was Rob really standing in front of it when they stopped the motorcycle very quickly?
@chrisweitz: Are you kidding? I ain't gonna risk "franchise" like that!

@RobstenSexyEyes: Kristen wore golden contacts in Alice's vision in New Moon whereas the newborns have red eyes, why didn't she wore red contacts?
@chrisweitz: Um... Because I meddes up? And golden eyes look nicer?

@xAdele95: What's your favourite line in New Moon?
@chrisweitz: I like "you don't know anything about his soul." Kristen rips it up.

@serpmcc40e: Do you know what's happening in this picture? (Bilden ovan.)
@chrisweitz: I can tell it's Kristen by the hair grasping. Looks like a binch of European exhibitors (cinema owners) visiting set.

@mrskebab: What did you think of what Jodie foster said about Kristen? Some think she was being nasty some just think genuine surprised.
@chrisweitz: I don't know to what you're referring but I can attest to Ms. Foster always having been a friend and supported to Kristen.

@taarawilleatyou: Since you're famous and all, do you get stalkers and such people?
@chrisweitz: Well, I'm not really famous. Only when in the blast radius of Kristen, Rob and Taylor.

@KStewsOzBird: If you know, could you please tell me what song by Sia that Kristen was listening to on repeat while filming New Moon in Italy?
@chrisweitz: Honestly I think at the time she was very into Kings of Leon so maybe them.

@blisswithin: Can Kristen cry or not? Though the perfect Bella, no matter what movie she's in she never is seen actually crying.
@chrisweitz: Well. You can always cry using artificial means. I think more to the point is that crying is overused in film; it's hi-fructose corn syrup.

@kstewartloove: Say something about Kristen "the queen!" Stewart! She's so beautiful, right? I think she's the definition of perfection.
@chrisweitz: Certainly... Please don't hurt me!

@Caty_ec: The scene of Bella and Jake in the truck where she says "won't let you get lost, reminding you of how special you are everyday", was that your idea?
@chrisweitz: Kristen and I talked about what sort of thing she would say at that moment.

@YekitaB: What was the hardest scene to do for Robert and Kirsten?
@chrisweitz: Well romantic scenes are hard. Movie sets are not romantic, hard to act intimate.

@VeronicaLove78: What previous roles with Kristen Stewart in your opinion she should have received nominations for?
@chrisweitz: Give her time! She ws pretty great in Into the Wild though.

@adorstewable: Can i ask now? Did you see Kristen's cat Jella on set?
@chrisweitz: Yes, no.

@tuucher83: Have you seen Kristen in "Cake Eaters"? Such a tremendous and touching performance.
@chrisweitz: Yes, she's lovely in that film.

@Twi_Star: We wouldn't be talking to you if you weren't famous?
@chrisweitz: I have a theory that you're not famous when people need to explain who you are. I am only famous when the hyoe switch is turned on by a big corporation promoting something, or when I am within the famousness blast radius of Rob or Kristen or Taylor or Hugh Grant. Which is cool with me.

@TwiRK_World: Does it creep you out seeing so many Twilight, Rob and Kristen dedicated twitter accounts?
@chrisweitz: Well, to be honest, what feels a bit odd is people having someone they don't know as their avatar. I have been pondering a call to, at least for one day, use your own face as your avatar, because you are not defined by what you want. But what the hell, it's a free country.

@Lilie06: In New Moon, the flashback scene of Edward & Bella in the meadow, was it a real flashback from Twilight or did you reshoot it?
@chrisweitz: Reshoot.

@mrskstew: Chris Weitz is badass, because

@jakesteveme: Please tell me does Kristen really have epilepsy?
@chrisweitz: Gosh no, she's fine.

@theMwagon: Are Rob and Kristen dating or not?
@chrisweitz: Oh puhlease misses. Really? Is it gonna be me answering? Nuh-uhn.

@rkfanz: That dream Bella had in New Moon that got cut was really freaky and cool. Were you upset that it didn't make it to the movie?
@chrisweitz: Nah. Didn't move forward the plot. It was pretty weird, huh? Based on Greggory VCrewdson photos, and we built a room set half in the dirt.

@rediasrossi: Tell me please what Aro said to Bella?
@chrisweitz: Ok this was a long time ago, but I believe he says, "Nor yours, eighter", after she says he doesn't know about Edward's soul and he [tries to] mindread her.

@_kstewfans: How was it working with Kristen?
@chrisweitz: Kristen is very comitted, serious, incredibly hard on herself, natural and has the world's best bull shit detector.

@MomsenStew: What did you think of Welcome to the Rileys with Kstew?
@chrisweitz: As I've said, I think Kristen is one of the best actresses of her generation. She can do no wrong in my book. But the mouth on that kid.

@liSita80: What was the funniest thing that happened on the set of New Moon?
@chrisweitz: When I tried to prove to Kristen that it would be easy to shoot her underwater scene by going 10 feet underwater with weights on my wetsuit and panicked.

@tinkrbe1l3: What heppened to that kissing scene Chris, the one outside in Montepulciano?
@chrisweitz: Oh. Well, even with Rob and Kristen, too much of a good thing...

Kopierar du så länka tillbaka hit till KristenS. Jossan har lagt ner tid på att leta upp alla tweets och skriva ner dem samt finslipa och rätta stavfel. Det kommer därför märkas om du kopierat utan att ge cred.


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