Ny bild på Kristen med Jack Kerouac's släktingar
Bilden ovan är med i boken One and Only: The Untold Story of On the Road, berättar historien från Lu Anne Hendersons perspektiv. Lu Anne är personen som karaktären Mary Lou baserats på, och som vi vet är det Kristens roll i filmen. Med på bilden är Marie Lussier-Timperley och J.A. Michael Bornais, två av Jack Kerouacs släktingar.
Beloved by both Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady, Lu Anne Henderson's story has never been told.
Lu Anne was a beautiful 15-year-old girl in Denver in 1945 when she met Neal, a fast-talking hurricane of male sexuality and vast promises. The two married, and soon they were hanging out with a group of would-be writers, including Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. But Neal and Jack initially didn't like each other very much. Lu Anne taught them how to love each other - in effect, making the Beat Generation possible, as well as giving Kerouac material for one of the seminal novels of the 20th century, On the Road. One and Only traces the immense struggles of Lu Anne's own life, which ranged from the split-up of her family to the ravages of abusive men, lingering illness, and the grief of losing the two most important men in her life.
Lu Anne Henderson did not live to see the filming of On the Road by Walter Salles, but One and Only tells how Twilight's Kristen Stewart, through her work with both Nicosia and Anne Marie Santos (Lu Anne's daughter), came to find the key to playing Lu Anne in the film.
"The pic is of Kristen with some of Jack Kerouac's relatives in Montreal. It is in the book One and Only. It's the story of Lu Anne's life."
"The people in the photo are Marie Lussier-Timperley and J.A. Michael Bornais."
"Skimming through the Lu Anne biography they talk about how Kristen had just found out that Lu Anne had continued to see Neal in later years. And Kristen couldn't grasp how she could still love him after he had cheated on her. And then they talk about the thought process that is that she went through to understand Lu Anne."
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