Ny still på Bella, Alice och Rosalie i "Breaking Dawn"
I morgon är det dags för MTV First, och HollywoodCrush har delat med sig av en stillbild från ett klipp som kommer att visas under programmet. Innan själva programmet kommer vi även att få en 10-sekunders förhandstitt på klippet, som vi självklart lägger ut här på bloggen så fort vi kan.
Breaking Dawn sneak peek: Bella's a bride-to-be!
Tomorrow's the big day! In just over 24 hours, we'll be sitting down with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner for our MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, and as you probably know, a portion of our festivities will be dedicated to debuting a never-before-seen clip from the saga's fourth installment. And because you've been such patient pals waiting for this exclusive scene, we're giving you a quick peek! (Shhhhh! Don't tell our bosses...)
This still is straight from the brand new footage, and as you can likely surmise, captures the moments right before Bella and Edward's long-awaited nuptials. Alice (Ashley Greene) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) are visions in purple as they help Bella (Kristen) get ready to walk down the aisle to her vampire groom. But the question remains: Just who are they looking at? I guess you'll have to tune in to find out!
And you better believe this isn't the last tease you'll get before the clip debuts during our MTV First. Check in with MTV Movies tomorrow morning at 7 ET for an entire 10-second snippet of the scene. That's major.
Be sure to tune in to "MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1," which kicks off Thursday, November 3, on MTV at 7:56 p.m, followed by a Q&A with Kristen, Rob and Taylor on MTV.com!
Den svenska tiden för programmet är 00:56 natten mellan torsdag och fredag (på MTV och Ustream).
Skrivet av: Jossan
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