20 roliga fakta om Kristen

Är egentligen en artikel som hör lite till hennes födelsedag (9 april) men stod en del roliga saker som åtminstone jag inte har hört förut. Tar ut tre av punkterna på listan.

Pie in the Sky: Everybody knows that Kristen and Nikki Reed are totally BFFs. But did you know that the two of them kicked off their friendship over a shared love of ... pie? "Neither of us are the type of girls that meet each other and want to do our fingernails and go to the mall and get our hair done; I would go over to her house and watch movies with [Stewart's then-boyfriend] Mike [Angarano], and she was really into baking pies, and I'm really into eating pies, so it was a good balance," Reed told us once of their early days. "I mean, she eats pies too. But that sounds weird, because she's so small."

Cry, and She Might Hug You: When Rob makes grown women cry, he flashes that charismatic British smile of approval. Kristen, on the other hand, said things are different when you're a girl. "I think guys are a little bit more collected," she told us once. "But the tears, to see people crying in front of you is pretty overwhelming. I just want to give them a hug and be like, 'It's OK.' "

She's Prone to Giggle Fits: Like any red-blooded American teen, Kristen has always been prone to cracking up. According to Ashley Greene, there have been plenty of times on the "Twilight Saga" sets where the two girls have spent time between takes getting silly. "There was a lot of that; a lot of giggling and laughing during 'New Moon,' especially in Italy," she told us once during an interview. "It was me and Kristen; we were kind of like the only girls, and so there was a lot of girly giggling going on."

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