Kris fick rollen som Marylou just efter Into the Wild

Från en intervju med Marcos Strecker där han bland annat avslöjar att Kristen fick rollen som Marylou direkt efter hon gjort Into the Wild, vilket var 2006.

In the case of Kristen Stewart accepting the role there's an interesting aspect to it, he chose her – he did a test with her for On the Road - right after she did Into the Wild, a film by Sean Penn. Which is also a road trip film. And he chose her before she became well known. It's the same case with Garrett Hedlund who now has made the film, Tron. At the time he did the test with Walter, it has now been several years, he was completely unknown.

The studios didn't want to finance OTR because they found that the actors wouldn't sell tickets at the box office because they were unknown.  So once again Walter was proven right, as has happened before, these actors who were unknown became big stars. Kristen Stewart because of her success with the Twilight series, she didn’t have to do OTR. It's not a film that will pay her as much as she would get paid in a big blockbuster like the Twilight series.

She made a point in mentioning it in public on Oprah Winfrey in the US, a presenter on TV. She surprised the world and her agents saying she was going to do OTR with Walter Salles and that it was a high priority for her.

I find that that shows the intelligence of these young actors who logically would like, and are interested in doing big blockbusters and doing films for large audiences, but they are also faithful to characters that are rich and to directors who they admire.

I think that’s why Kristen Stewart and Garrett Hedlund want to do a film with Walter Salles. I think that will be one of the secrets to the success of OTR and to what will be OTR.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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