OTR filmas i Gatineau

On the Road kommer att filmas lite grann i Gatineau, som ligger ungefär 3 timmar från Montreal där inspelningen hålls till just nu. Något nytt jag fick reda på utifrån den här artikeln är att budgeten för filmen är 25 miljoner dollar (nästan 180 miljoner SEK).

Läs artikeln under bilden.

The film adaptation of the work flagship Jack Kerouac, On The Road, will move in Gatineau's streets soon.

The film, currently filming in Montreal, is featuring Viggo Mortensen (The Lord of the Rings, The Road), Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Amy Adams (Enchanted, Julie & Julia) and Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man). British Sam Riley (Law & Order ") which embodies the alter egos of Kerouac, Sal Paradise, while Garrett Hedlund (Four Brothers, Tron Legacy) lent his features to his traveling companion Neal Cassady and mentor, also known as Dean Moriarty.

Around a hundred actors - including some of main cast - and technicians will be visiting for three days and three nights in the region for the purpose of the feature film directed by Brazilian Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries). Some streets of Old Hull will be blocked to facilitate filming in the area. Between 20 and 30 local people will also be hired to complete the crew.

Largely autobiographical, written from a single jet in three weeks in a spontaneous prose in April 1951 - we discovered that Kerouac had written a draft in French, his native language, beforehand - and published in 1957, On The Road is considered an iconic novel of the "Beat Generation". The work reports of wandering and the initial quest for a new lifestyle Kerouac on American roads, he has crisscrossed New York to San Francisco to Chicago and Louisiana, along with Cassady.

In front of Salles camera, Viggo Mortensen will be playing Old Bull Lee (William S. Burroughs who is), Amy Adams, Jane, Old Bull Lee's wife, Kristen Stewart, Mary Lou (LuAnne Henderson, Cassady's first wife) and Kirsten Dunst, Camille (Carolyn, the mistress and then Cassady's second wife).

Francis Ford Coppola, who bought the rights to adapt the novel about 30 years ago, is co-producing On The Road. The movie, a coproduction between France, Quebec, England and Brazil, has a budget of $ 25 million. After Quebec, filming will continue in the United States and Mexico.

Översättning: Källa

Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 13:57:46
Datum: 2010-08-11
hej, jag har kollat eran blogg ett tag nu, och varje gång jag går in så är det olika bilder i headern, hur gör ni det? :)

svara gärna i min blogg...
Tid: 14:51:02
Datum: 2010-08-11
sv: okej, tack :)
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