Paparazzin berättar hur han fick de berömda bilderna

De efterlängtade bilderna som bekräftar att Robsten är sant har nu äntligen kommit. Läs fotografens historia om hur han lyckades ta bilderna. Jag har hört att bilderna såldes för 300.000 dollar, vilket motsvarar ungefär 2 och en kvarts miljon svenska kronor.

Earlier today, photos of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kissing sent thousands of Twilight fans scrambling when Celebuzz exclusively posted them. Quicker than you could say "Robsten," the photos overtook Twitter, Facebook and celebrity sites around the world. But, just how did they come about? Celebuzz spoke directly to the photographer who snapped the pics seen 'round the Web to find out how he got the elusive rumored couple kissing on film.

The photographer (his first name is Randy) tells Celebuzz that this is the shot he's spent months working day and night for. "I've been chasing Twilight for the last year and a half. I've been waiting for this shot for a long time ... I knew they were a couple, but you never see many candid sets of them together," Randy tells Celebuzz.

The photos came about when Randy trailed Stewart, Pattinson and Rob's pal (and Kristen's On the Road co-star) Tom Sturridge to a party near Boulevard St. Laurent in Montreal over the weekend.

"They left their hotel around 8:15, and they hopped in a van taxi and they kind of just got out ... and during that 25 seconds, they were just making out and Tom Sturridge was standing there just looking."

The photog says Pattinson's recent penchant for hanging out around Stewart was a clear indicator to him that the two were a couple.

"You get that feeling like, 'How could they not be a couple? If I was a couple and my friend was just working on a movie, would I go and sit outside of her trailer for 16 hours? If it was just a friend, I'd go back to London to see my parents or go to Las Vegas with my boys," Randy said.

Still, even with the new photos, the photographer thinks the couple will do "the Beyonce-Jay-z thing... 'Well, they caught us ... but we're going to keep doing our thing and not talk about it.' They'll just be more cautious. The nice thing is they genuinely like each other. They're a legitimate couple. It's not like someone said 'You guys should date so you can be a power couple.' They actually like each other."


Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 01:07:47
Datum: 2010-08-17
åh va sött det låter, även om det kommer från en papparazzi x)

lol på Tom som bara står där bredvid o kollar haha
Tid: 01:11:52
Datum: 2010-08-17
Jossan -
Agnes: Haha jag vet! Börjar skratta när jag läser det. "Tom Sturridge was standing there just looking." xD
Tid: 12:56:58
Datum: 2010-08-17
haha! vad kul och vad sött :)
Tid: 13:20:13
Datum: 2010-08-17
hahah Tom bara "ey dudes, get a room" ((8
Tid: 19:02:25
Datum: 2010-08-17
Haha, men synd bara att bilderna inte är schysstare...jag syftar på kvalité ;D men annars as nice bilder!
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