Sov med smink

Hur fick de till Kristens smink under inspelningen av The Runaways? Läs här:

Kristen Stewart was photographed a million times while she had the mullet she got to play Joan Jett in The Runaways. (The last time she was shot before she chopped it? For her Allure cover.) Now, the movie itself is finally here—it played at the Sundance Festival and it will be released in mid-March—and it turns out the dirty-sexy makeup is just as noteworthy as the hair. We talked to makeup department head for the film, Robin Mathews, about the looks she created on Stewart and Dakota Fanning, who plays Jett’s bandmate Cherie Currie. “Joan Jett and Cherie Currie weren’t really into lipstick because it was such a pain in the ass to keep on,” says Mathews, “so the look of The Runaways is all about the eyes.” And though Stewart and Fanning aren’t big makeup girls themselves—“neither of them needs a stitch of makeup” says Mathews—they got so into the characters that they even did what they needed to get the look right. “Sometimes we’d apply Kristen’s eyeliner at night, then she’d sleep in it, and it was in all the right creases in the morning when she came to the set,” says Mathews, who used Make Up For Ever products. “When she’d come in after sleeping in black kohl liner, I’d blend and smudge it out with a brown eye shadow and a small stiff eye shadow brush on the top lid and under the eye."


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