53 "Twilight" vs."True Blood" fakta

Did you know the vampires of “True Blood” can’t come out during the day, but the Cullen clan of “Twilight” simply sparkles in the sunlight? The battle continues between the movie franchise and HBO’s sexy vampire show — now “Extra” has 53 facts on “Twilight” vs. “True Blood”!

‘Twilight’ vs. ‘True Blood’Sparkly Skin
The Cullen clan isn’t killed by sunlight — their skin simply sparkles.

Darkness Only
“True Blood” vampires cannot come out during the day, and they can’t enter a human’s residence unless they’re invited in.

Vampire Love
Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are rumored to be dating off-screen, though there’s been no confirmation.

True Love
Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin are definitely dating off screen — looks like vampires have a thing for their leading ladies!

Across the Border
The “Twilight” series is filmed in Vancouver.

L.A. & LA
“True Blood” is filmed in areas around Southern California and Louisiana.

Timber Town
“Twilight” takes place in rainy Forks, Washington.

Bon Temps
“True Blood” takes place in Bon Temps, a fictional small town in Louisiana.

Human Strength
There is no mention in the “Twilight” saga of humans drinking vampire blood for strength.

In “True Blood,” vampire blood is used as a recreational drug called “V” which can heighten senses, give strength and cause hallucinations. Vampire blood, if ingested by a human, can help heal wounds.

Golden Eyes
The Cullens’ eyes are shades of gold — but they turn black when it’s time to eat! (The dots are for future special effects.)

Big Bite
There is no physical change to “True Blood” vampires when they’re hungry.

Blending In
The Cullen vampires attend high school and pretend to eat in order to fit in. Very few people know their true identity.

The Minority
In “True Blood,” vampires live among people and are adjusting to life.

Animal Blood Only
The Cullens are vegetarians — they won’t kill humans.

Thirsty for Blood
Bill Compton, the main vampire in “True Blood,” only drinks a synthetic drink labeled True Blood, which allows vampires to sustain life without drinking human blood.

Blurred Past
Some vampires in the “Twilight” saga do not remember their past lives as humans.

Past Identity
All of the vampires in “True Blood” remember their lives as humans.

Mind Reader
Edward can read human minds — except for Bella’s.

Sexy Vixen
Sookie, a non-vampire, can read the minds of both humans and vampires — except her love, Bill.

Beautiful Bella
Edward is attracted to the shy Bella because of her innate goodness, his inability to read her mind and the way she smells.

Bill’s Crush
Bill is drawn to the telepathic Sookie because she’s different from other humans.

Cullen’s Powers
Jasper Cullen can calm a room and Alice Cullen can predict the future.

‘True’ Glamour
Vampires in “True Blood” have the ability to “glamour” humans, similar to hypnosis.

Taylor’s Transformation
Jacob, played by Taylor Lautner, can transform into a werewolf.

Never Been Seen
Werewolves exist in the world of “True Blood,” but have yet to be seen onscreen. They’ve only been mentioned during conversations between characters.

The Narrator
“Twilight” is narrated by Bella.

“True Blood” does not have a narrator.

Burned at the Stake
In “Twilight,” vampires are destroyed when their heads are torn off and their bodies are burned.

Killed with a Stake
In “True Blood,” a vampire can be killed with a wooden stake. Vampires in “True Blood” cannot come into contact with silver — it burns their skin.

Mythical Creatures
The “Twilight” vampires are considered a myth.

Very Real
In “True Blood,” vampires have emerged as a specific group in the population.

Vamp Bite
In order to become a vampire in “Twilight,” a human must be bitten and undergo days of transformation.

Tasty Blood
In order to become a vampire in “True Blood,” a vampire would drink the blood of a human, who would then drink that same vampire’s blood in return.

Hidden Fangs
In “Twilight,” vampire fangs aren’t outwardly visible.

Fang Flashers
In “True Blood,” a vampire can choose when to show its fangs.

Natural Sense
In “Twilight,” humans are naturally afraid of the Cullens –  even though they’re unaware they are vampires.

Assimilated Vamps
In “True Blood,” the vampires are assimilated in society, though they’re a minority.

Above the Influence
In “Twilight,” Bella is impenetrable to vampire influence.

In “True Blood,” Sookie cannot be glamoured by vampires.

“Twilight” vampires are nomads.

People Friendly
In “True Blood,” vampires live in communities amongst humans.

Rule Enforcers
A coven of vampires, called the Volturi, reside in Italy and enforce the laws of the vampire world in “Twilight.”

Vamp Regulated
In “True Blood,” there are five vampire districts, each with a sheriff.

Soul Mate
“Twilight” vampires usually have a soul mate, i.e., Alice & Jasper, Emmett & Rosalie, Carlisle & Esme, etc.

Vampire Property
In “True Blood,” when one vampire creates another vampire, they have control over them.

Werewolf Genes
In “Twilight,” the werewolf genes only surface when vampires are near.

True Dog
In “True Blood,” Sam Merlotte can control when he shifts into a dog — except for Maryann, who has the power to command Sam to shift.

Vampires have to mimic human movements like breathing and fidgeting — they’d otherwise be as still as stone.

Pale & Cold
Vampires are like humans in “True Blood,” except they’re deathly pale and cold.

The “Twilight” vampires don’t sleep.

Underground Sleep
In “True Blood,” vampires live off of True Blood and human blood, and require sleep underground to rejuvenate.

Super Strength & Speed
Vampires in “True Blood,” as in “Twilight,” have immeasurable strength and speed.


Skrivet av: Jossan

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