Hela intervjuen från Entertainment Weekly

The stars of the scortching-hot franchise gather to dish about the new Twilight movie, Oprah, their diverging careers, and (yes) their intense feelings for each other.
by Nicole Sperling

Kristen Stewart comes bearing a gift. The actress — who’s gangly, strikingly beautiful, and still only 20 despite having made movies for nearly a decade — has baked her interviewer a little loquat pie, which she carries in a mini-aluminum tin, like one you’d find in a child’s Easy-Bake oven set. Stewart and costars Taylor Lautner, 18, and Robert Pattinson, 24, have gathered to talk about Eclipse, which opens June 30 and is, of course, the third installment in the phenomenally successful Twilight saga. The movie, rated PG-13 and directed by David Slade, finds Jacob (Lautner) and his werewolf pals joining forces with Edward (Pattinson) and his vampire clan to defend Bella (Stewart) against an army of new vampires. At the moment, however, no one wants to talk about the movie — the darkest and most compelling of the franchise so far. They just want to try the pie, which features fruit from Stewart’s own backyard. “It’s not warm and there’s no ice cream, and those are really the two things that would make it exceptional,” she says. “But it will be fine.”

When Twilight hit theaters a year and a half ago, Stewart never would have baked something for a reporter. Back then, she was a nervous 18-year-old who fretted over every syllable that escaped her lips and seemed terrified of the publicity circuit. Today, Stewart and her costars exude considerably more confidence. The last two Twilight movies have earned more than $1 billion worldwide and supercharged their careers. Stewart is about to shoot an adaption of a Jack Kerouac;s ‘On the Road’, Lautner’s embarking on John Singleton’s action thriller ‘Abduction’, and Pattinson’s starring alongside Reese Witherspoon as a veterinarian in a traveling circus in ‘Water for Elephants’. The actors make an extremely tight trio: honest, protective of each other, and warmly familial. In person, as on screen, Pattinson and Lautner’s mutual affection for Stewart is the tie that binds.

-How do you think Eclipse ranks against the other two films?

Taylor Lautner: It is definitely my favorite.

Robert Pattinson: I don’t like it as much. {Laughs} Could you imagine if I meant that?

Kristen Stewart:
It’s always hard because you’re so close to it. I run this really intense list of, like, checks and balances to make sure everything has come across. But I know I pulled less of my hair out {watching} it.

-Speaking of your hair, you definitely don’t play with yours as much in this movie.

Stewart: {Laughs} No, because it’s not my hair.

Lautner: Nope, it was a wig.

Stewart: I’m just going to be really honest right now: Yeah, I finally dropped my tic.

-The emotional scenes in Eclipse really play well, I think.

Stewart: This is the first time that Bella actually indulges Jacob and sees that there are two very desireable paths ahead of her and not just one. It takes kissing him to see that.

Lautner: {To Pattinson} Are you lifting weights?

Stewart: Actually, he has been.

Lautner: Seriously, he was just {flexing}, and the bicep was bulging.

-Is this to compensate for everyone talking about Taylor’s body so much?

Pattinson: It is a desperate attempt. I’ve got body dysmorphia. I am stuck with my belly.

-One scene fans have been dying to see takes place in the tent during the snowstorm. Jacob warms up Bella with his body because Edward is cold-blooded and can’t do it himself.

Lautner: The tent scene is probably my favorite, because it’s the first time Edward and Jacob are actually able to connect and understand each other.

-How many takes did you go through to get that scene?

Lautner: Two days originally to film it, and then a full day of reshoots.


Pattinson: [The director] wanted it to be more erotic. Seriously.

Stewart: It’s true. In the book there’s a serious sexual tension. As I’m sleeping, Jacob is staring over my vulnerable body, and he’s naked in this f- - -ing sleeping bag because you heat up faster that way, and Jacob and Edward are leveling with each other.

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Skrivet av: Hanna

Tid: 21:07:13
Datum: 2010-06-26
Jag älskar sådana här intervjuer med dem! Man vill liksom bara va med o hänga med dem!
Tid: 21:30:44
Datum: 2010-06-26
Lovisa: Ja precis, jag älskar också sånna intervjuer! :)
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