MTV Australia intervjuar Kristen och Taylor

Det har kommit ut en intervjuv med MTV Australia. Där dom intervjuar Kristen och Taylor.



Twi-hard fans across Australia have been going wild for Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner since they landed Down Under this week. Us included!

A massive 4000 followers turned up for a Q+A with the mega stars at Sydney’s Luna Park last night, braving the heavy wind and rain just to get a glimpse of their idols.

Screams spread across the harbour as the pair answered rounds of questions from die-hard ‘Twilight’ supporters, including one marriage proposal!

Here in Oz to promote their new movie ‘Eclipse’, MTV caught up with the famous twosome to talk rivalries, kissing and six packs!

MTV: Tell us what fans can expect from the third 'Twilight' movie ‘Eclipse?’

Taylor: If you’re a fan of the book, then you’re going to love the movie. We had a lot of fun making it and for me I’d have to say Eclipse was my favourite book and I’d say the movie turned out really well.

Kristen: It definitely steps it up in terms of action. There’s more of it going on, less within the dynamics of the characters and more about the introduction of newborns and the volturi comeback. There’s more danger, there’s much more at risk.

MTV: Twilight is so huge, what’s it like being involved with such a phenomenon?

Kristen: For me it’s been so different from anything I thought I’d ever be a part of. I’ve always said that I never wanted to do a TV series because it's too long, it’s too much of a commitment, it’s too structured. But it’s actually the coolest thing to be able to follow a character for so long. Because at the end of most movies I feel like I’m ripped away from a project but in this case it’s so indulgent, it’s like I get months to work on just one character and then I get to do it again next year, its really cool.

MTV: How close are you really as a cast?

Taylor: We've spent a lot of time together so we've all grown very close and we're all really good friends. I mean it would be a nightmare doing this series if we didn’t like each other, it would be bad, so thankfully we all get along and have a lot of fun.

MTV: What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t in ‘Twilight’?

Kristen: I have no idea.

Taylor: I don't know, and I don’t really want to think about it! I’m just thankful it happened in the first place.

MTV: We hear you’ve seen some tourist attractions including Featherdale Wildlife Park since you’ve been in Oz. How was that?

Taylor: It was really good.

Kristen: Yeah it was incredible! You cant believe like a wallaby hops in and u can pick them up and put them in your pouch, it just doesn’t seem real.

Taylor: Number one hit for me was definitely the baby dingos, they were adorable.


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