MTV video + intervju

Finns en tillhörande intervju på MTV också. Ett utdrag här:

MTV: How did you guys get your portrayals so accurate?

Dakota Fanning: I think that meeting Cherie [was huge], and seeing her perform before I filmed and watching a lot of the "Live in Japan" videos. I worked on being able to sing her songs and being the performer that she was, because she was so iconic and did a certain thing each time she performed. With "Cherry Bomb" especially, it was a set routine, and I wanted to make sure I got that right for all the people that are going to be comparing.

Kristen Stewart: We both were really concerned about getting the music right; they have a very distinctive sound, it's not just about singing and trying to sound good, it's trying to sound like them — especially Joan, for me. That growl that she does is something that I love so much; it was cool to have Joan and Cherie there on set everyday, because there are so many things you couldn't know about their lives and we didn't want to fill in the blanks with stuff we just made up. They were both really open with us, they're sensitive people, and this was the most loaded part of their lives. For Joan, it kick-started the rest of her career, it was a big deal. The prep, making sure it was authentic, was a big deal.

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