Kristen var en av anledningarna till att Gandolfini gjorde WTTR

Nedan finns en intervju från New York Times med James Gandolfini, som spelar mot Kristen i Welcome to the Rileys. Jag har plockat ut de delar där han nämner Kristen.

In his next film, "Welcome to the Rileys," a dark indie opening on Friday, Mr. Gandolfini is a businessman with a fractured family who befriends a stripper, played by Kristen Stewart (equally touchy about her star-making turn in the "Twilight" series). The film, the second feature from Jake Scott (son of Ridley), was shot on location in New Orleans, one of Mr. Gandolfini's favorite cities. 

So, are you a big fan of "Twilight"?
A. Actually I’ve never seen it.

Did you tell Kristen that?
A. Well, she didn't ask. I don't think she watched "Sopranos" much. 

So it was only the nonviolent script that attracted you to this?
A. I found out Kristen was going to do it. I saw her in "Into the Wild." Some people kind of jump off the screen because they're — actually, it had nothing to do with her beauty. She's beautiful, but her intelligence seemed to leap off the screen. I thought, this is a smart young girl. And Jake Scott, I know his uncle — Tony [Scott] actually gave me my first big film ["True Romance"]. It was different from something I played before, and I thought the script had some humor in it. I have not seen the movie yet so I don't know how much humor we kept, but I thought it was good and interesting and had a pretty good point.

Läs hela intervjun här.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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