Kan Joel Edgerton bli jägaren i "Snow White"?

Sedan Viggo Mortensen hoppade av rollen som Eric, jägaren, i Snow White and the Huntsman, och Hugh Jackman tackade nej har Universal Pictures letat efter någon som kan ta över rollen. Kan australienske skådespelaren Joel Edgerton vara rätt person?

Could Aussie Joel Edgerton Be the Huntsman?

Insiders tell Vulture that Bourne Legacy director Tony Gilroy wants to cast Australian actor Joel Edgerton (Animal Kingdom) as the new hero in the Matt Damon–less franchise — an agent named Martin who was part of a Treadstone-like program. But the studio has two issues with this plan: First, they worry that Edgerton, who will next appear in their remake of The Thing, doesn't yet have enough worldwide recognition to carry this franchise. And second, our spies tell us that the studio is strongly considering Edgerton for the role of the Huntsman in Snow White and the Huntsman, now that Hugh Jackman passed on it last week. (Edgerton's lack of global fame wouldn't be as much of an issue here, as Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron would be the names selling the film.) But a decision needs to be made, as both films have to happen soon.

We're told that the studio has made significant commitments for Snow White, and Stewart (who's playing Snow) has already slashed her fee to make the film happen; this is clearly a top priority for the studio, and with most of the pieces in place they want to get it going quickly. And Universal is also facing pressure from the Robert Ludlum estate to get another Bourne film going. Currently the plan is to start shooting by July.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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