Ny bild + en artikel om OTR med NY Times

Kristen, Sam och Garrett på On the Road-bootcamp tillsammans med Gerald Nicosia.

Gerald Nicosia, second from left, and the cast of “On the Road,” Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart at boot camp.

In July, before filming began near the primary sets in Montreal, the cast and crew went through Beat boot camp — three weeks of immersion with Kerouac experts.
None of the cast and crew were old enough to remember the Beat era, so Mr. Nicosia, of Corte Madera, approached the sessions as if he were teaching ancient history, “like I was bringing them the Holy Grail.”

He said the actors were especially intense, knowing they would upset a lot of people if they didn’t portray the characters accurately."

NY Times article by Scott James Trepidations Aside. 'On the Road' Becomes a Movie at Last.
Many consider Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” sacred text. The novel was, after all, originally typed on a scroll. Translated into 40 languages, millions of copies of the Beat generation classic have sold worldwide since the novel was published in 1957, placing it among the 20th century’s most influential books.

When it comes to the big screen, however, “On the Road” has faced a Kerouac curse. Past efforts by Hollywood to adapt the author’s work have been failures. Now, somewhat quietly, “On the Road” has finally been made into a movie. The $25 million production, shot in San Francisco, Montreal and other locales, is scheduled for release this fall.

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