Catherine Hardwicke om Kristens MMA-nomineringar

"Twilight" director weighs in on Kristen Stewart's MTV Movie Awards nods

Earlier this month, we asked whether "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" would rule the 2011 MTV Movie Awards. Well, that question will finally be answered on Sunday night when the show goes live from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Los Angeles with "SNL" star Jason Sudeikis serving as host.

The third "Twilight" flick is up for eight Golden Popcorn statues this year, and given the series' past record, Twi-hards probably don't have to worry too much about its chances. The director of the first "Twilight" flick, Catherine Hardwicke, says she is not surprised that people are still as frenzied about the movies as they were back in 2008.

"Well, I think it's great. I love it that people are so passionate about it and that people are really into it and following the characters," she told MTV News when we chatted with her about the June 14 DVD release of "Red Riding Hood", which she also directed. "I think it's a great tribute, obviously, to what [author] Stephenie Meyer created. ... Rob and Kristen and everybody's been able to just keep it going and keep people loving it all this time, and, of course, all the directors, everybody. I think it's awesome. It's great."

Stewart is nominated in the Best Kiss category for locking lips with both Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson. So which kiss does the director think she should win for? "Maybe it can be a tie? That would be perfect! I think [that's] the safest solution to this problem," she laughed.

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Skrivet av: Jossan
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