Det senaste om Snövit-produktionen

Latest official "Snow White and the Huntsman" production info:

Status: Mid-September 2011
Location: London
Producer: Joe Roth - Palak Patel
Writer: Evan Daugherty - Hossein Amini
Director: Rupert Sanders
LP: Sam Mercer
Cast: Charlize Theron - Kristen Stewart - Sam Claflin

Roth Films
Universal Pictures

Snow White (Stewart), is an incredible beautiful young woman with raven hair, fair skin, and ruby red lips. Snow White's beauty is ultimately its own curse because, when she becomes the fairest in the land, she becomes a threat to her step-mother Ravenna (Theron). Snow White loves Prince Charmant, a boy of the same age who she was separated from as a teen. Snow White has been forced to live under the hard rules of Ravenna where her only friends were the animals that would come to see her. Snow White's life is turned upside down when Ravenna discovers that Snow White is about to become the fairest. She's driven from the castle and Eric is sent to kill her. Eric is a huntsman who is haunted by the death of his wife, Sara. He was deeply in love and cannot silence the pain caused by her loss. He drinks heavily and spends his days hunting for the White Wolf that killed Sara. He is purely mercenary, taking the money Ravenna offers to bring the most beautiful maidens in the land to the castle. However, when Eric discovers that the White Wolf works for Ravenna, he escapes with Snow White to the Dark Forest and begins preparing to get his revenge.

(Chris Hemsworth offered the role of Eric, The Huntsman. / Release date December 21, 2012.)


Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 12:22:38
Datum: 2011-05-13
tror den här filmen kan bli Riktigt bra :) längtar ^^
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