Kan Kristen få en Oscarsnominering för "On the Road"?

Det har ända sedan inspelningen av On the Road blev klar spekulerats om att filmen kommer att bli flerfaldigt Oscars-nominerad 2012. Bland annat att Kristen kommer att bli nominerad för "Best supporting actress" för sin roll som Marylou. (Läs mer om filmen på vår filmsida här.) Men filmen har ju inte ens kommit ut än, och ibland stämmer ryktena, ibland gör de det inte.

Men sedan lite material från filmen visats på Cannes Film Festival så har dessa spekulationer bara ökat. Nedan finns två artiklar om just det här ämnet. Ju närmare releasen och Oscarsgalan, desto mer får vi se hur det här utvecklar sig helt enkelt.

Bitch-Back! Is Kristen Stewart's Oscar on the way?

Dear Ted:

Have you seen the latest news about Kristen Stewart? Scott Feinberg predicted that "On the Road" may win an Oscar and Kristen may be getting an Oscar nomination for "Best supporting actress". How cool is that?

Dear Stewin' the Oscar Pot:

It definitely has Oscar bait written all over it - internationally honored director, impressive young cast, based on a literary classic - but let's not get our award hopes up until the flick hits the big screen and we see how K's acting chops are (though, I hear she is stellar).

Kristen Stewart, Oscar winner?

Kristen Stewart is one of the world's hottest stars and her fan base on any movie is built in. But is she an Oscar-calibre actress? The buzz over her soon to be released movie "On the Road" is that she gives the best performance of her life and an Oscar should be in her future.

So far Kristen has been filling theater seats because of the heat between her and "Twilight" co-star Robert Pattinson. Are they or aren't they a couple? That kind of press doesn't help her to be considered a "serious" actress but her non-Bella Swan projects have been favorably reviewed by movie critics. Although "The Runaways" was a box office disappointment, Kristen's performance got rave reviews.

"On the Road" is a classic novel which has a tortured history of making it to the screen, and lovers of the tale have always felt a movie has to be true to its spirit of non-conformity and resistance to "selling out" which is part of its appeal. So naysayers were a little disappointed when it was revealed that Kristen landed the role of Marylou, a character known for her maddening duality and sexual appetite. Could Kristen bring realism to the part?

According to E! Online
[artikeln ovan], Hollywood columnist Scott Feinberg is spreading the word that everyone who's seen the raw version agrees that Kristen nailed the part, and several of the actors in the movie are selflessly proclaiming that she deserves an Academy Award for her work in the film.

"On the Road" will be released in December. Just in time for Oscar season... Go Kristen!

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Källa 2

Skrivet av: Jossan
Tid: 15:50:32
Datum: 2011-05-30
Herregud vad jag skulle blivit glad om hon vann !:D Eller bara var nomnerad liksom
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