"The Hunger Games" vs. "Twilight"

The Hunger Games vs. Twilight

Brief Synopsis

Twilight: "Bella" Swan is a teenage girl who essentially has to move to Forks, WA. There, she falls in love with classmate Edward. Problem? He's 104 and a vampire. Needless to say their love story isn't an easy one. Twilight is the first of four books that detail Edward and Bella's romance.

The Hunger Games: Set in the future, Panem (what used to be North America) is a nation that consists of 12 districts run by The Capitol. The Capitol keeps them in line by forcing each district to send one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark represent District 12. This is essentially a story of survival, but there is some romance involved too. 'The Hunger Games' is the first of three books.

Meet the Heroins

Bella Swan: Love drives almost every decision Bella makes. Despite her best efforts, this clumsy protagonist always gets herself into trouble and is a target for danger. The Cullen family (and werewolves too) risk their lives to keep her safe. At the end of the day Bella will do anything for Edward and visa-versa, no matter what it takes.

Katniss Everdeen: Survival and love of her family drives every decision Katniss makes. Despite the fact she cannot determine exactly how she feels romantically for fellow tribute Peeta and best friend Gale, at the end of the day Katniss will do whatever it takes to keep her sister Prim safe, no matter who she may have to deceive along the way.

Fortsätt läsa här.


Skrivet av: Jossan
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