Charlize Theron pratar om Kristen med Vogue
Then comes Snow White and the Huntsman, in which Theron plays Ravenna, the Evil Queen hell-bent on destroying the princess played by Kristen Stewart, the brooding Twilight comet endlessly chronicled in celebrity weeklies.
"She just turned 21," Theron says of Stewart. "She's a child. When I think about myself at 21, I had just done The Devil's Advocate, and Keanu [Reeves] had paparazzi following him and Al Pacino said this thing to me: 'If I knew that my life would be under this kind of scrutiny, I would have never become an actor.'" And I thought, Wow. I couldn't comprehend it."
"And Kristen is just living this to the max and still has a sense of humor about it. There's this really lovely quality about her that just doesn't give a fuck. A lot of people say they don't, but then they go home and cry and pop a Xanax. Kristen actually doesn't give a fuck. That's what’s so refreshing about her."
"I'm looking forward to killing her and taking her beauty," Theron says. "That’s what happens, right?"
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Skrivet av: Jossan