StarClub's intervju med Kristen

First of all, how would you describe the craziness that is Twilight?
- If teenagers are fascinated by vampires, it's because they're creatures that evolve between two worlds, the dead and the living. I'm not saying that teenagers are undead, but when you're young, you often feel like you're torn between two worlds where you can't find your place. On one side, the world of children and on the other side the world of adults. In Twilight, Bella is looking for something impossible, a sublimated (?) love.

How do you deal with being in the spotlight all the time?
- Being a celebrity is not really something that bothers me, It's the way it's talked about and how actors are perceived by others. People are convinced that just because we're known, our aspirations are different from theirs. But if they only knew... Our only ambition is to have friends, a good life and interesting projects. Just like everybody. People need to stop believing than when I get home, all the doorknobs in my house are made of gold and that I pay someone to make sure my bath's temperature is just the right one for me.

How do you see your life after Twilight?
- I'm getting at a point in my career where I feel the need to emancipate myself artistically. Don't get me wrong, I will never be ungrateful for what Bella & Twilight gave me but it's a natural evolution of my career.

What will you miss the most about Twilight?
- The atmosphere on set, my friends, the complicity we have with the technicians (the crew). We're a big family.

And the least?
- When I was playing Bella, I was forced to wear brown contact lenses. In Stephenie Meyer's books, Bella's eyes are brown, while in real life, mine are green. At all times, an ophtalmologist would come on set and put drops in my eyes so they wouldn't get dry or to avoid an allergic reaction.

You seem to be a very calm person. What makes you angry? If you get angry, that is.
- Hateful, racist or stupid comments. When I hear some people criticing something without good reasons, it makes me boil inside.

Do you have a "panic room" at home? You know, like in the movie with Jodie Foster you shot when you were young.
- No! I don't have a "panic room" nor do I have a guard dog, or towers or bodyguars standing in front of my door to keep me safe. I don't have a gun either because I am a nonviolent person. On the other hand, I'm scared that someone is going to find my address on Twitter and will come to my house to kill me. (she laughs)

What are the latest Gossips you heard that made you laugh?
- I don't read tabloids but someone talked to me about a rumor they had seen somewhere. The journalist was saying that since I was playing Bella in Twilight, I was going to breed wolves as a pastime.

What is the label the press put on you that that you hate the most?
- I was sometimes told that I was a very distant and cold person. In real life, I'm very shy. I feel uncomfortable during interview because I need to talk about myself. But to talk about to talk about yourself, you have to know who you are and when it comes to that, I think there are still a lot of things that I need to discover about myself.


Skrivet av: Jossan
Bild redigerad av: Jossan - Vid användning länka och ge cred till
Tid: 23:18:22
Datum: 2011-10-29
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